White-letter Hairstreak

Satyrium w-albumPhotoWingspan 25 - 35mm 

Named after the thin white line resembling a "w" which is visible on the underside of the hindwing. This is the smallest hairstreak and can be the most elusive. The butterfly always feeds and rests with its wings closed. The bottom edges of the hindwings are orange, lined with black that extends to the tail. 

Your photographs 

Flight Period
Late June – mid-August 

Larval food plants
English Elm (Ulmus procera)
Small-leaved Elm (Ulmus minor)
Wych Elm (Ulmus glabra) 

Woodland edges, rides and roadside verges where the food-plant is present. 

Resident, scarce, very local but widespread 

Earliest Sightings
Earliest county record 14th June 2011  Bentley Wood (David Lambert) 

Latest county record
31st August 1986