

Large Skipper (2)

Dingy Skipper (5)

Grizzled Skipper (8)

Brimstone (2)

Small White (1)

Orange-tip (2)

Green Hairstreak (3)

Brown Argus (10)

Common Blue (15)

Adonis Blue (14)

Holly Blue (1)

Duke of Burgundy (3)

Marsh Fritillary (7)

Speckled Wood (1)

Wall Brown (1)

Small Heath (6)

 12 - 13.15. Not a very inviting site - discouraging signage but Natural England has it down as open access land so on I went - and the sight of a couple of hares ampling away was a positive sign. The slope isn't half steep, and bramble patches break it up into various pockets that are hard work to cover. Hope I did the site justice. MF near the foot of the slope, and DoB - one fresh, others rather worn with one doingca good impression of the Dingy Skipper, so worn it was, mid-slope. The grass is always greener, as they say, and the other half of the slope, which is not open access land, looks even more promising. Oh well!

Simon Crampin
